Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Journey Begins

I am writing you as my first full night in Chicago comes to an end. I am officially a “Dweller” in the inner city. November 1st will mark the first day of my “new” life.

Leaving home was much harder this time around than when I left for California. I’m not sure why. You’d think that being across the county would spark a greater fear, uncertainty, and be much harder than being several hours away. The car ride was good but long. I was so busy talking on the phone that I ended up getting lost on my way …I have been to Chicago so many times and yet I got lost. Still need that GPS!!

Perhaps I have a better appreciation for my family, that’s why it was so difficult to leave; or maybe it’s due to the unknown in which I am facing. Tomorrow morning I wake up and start looking for a part-time job. I don’t know where to look. I don’t even know what’s around the block. Moreover, every interview I have ever had has been so formal and professional. In fact, I have only interviewed in a suit and a tie. If I walk into Starbucks like that they may think I’m nuts. My other alternative is ripped jeans and a t-shirt. Maybe I’ll try something in the middle.

So, this is the start of a journey that I am completely clueless as to where I will end up. As I walk out the front door tomorrow I don’t know where I will go, who I will encounter, and if I will end the day with a job.

There are several things I do know, however. Never in my life have a felt so in step with who God is and what he calls us to. I have been so consumed with “success” (whatever that is) that I often forget about living life. We have one life, one opportunity, and thankfully one loving God who won’t promise to give us the answers we want, but promises to be with us as we walk out that front door.


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