Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Stay Away From Children...They're Dangerous

I mentioned several entries ago that I wanted to see Africa with my own eyes. It’s now official; on June 4th 2008, I leave for Kenya and Uganda. Currently I have no travel partner. I don’t care, I’m going. Is that dumb? Maybe. I’m still going though.

Why am I going?

This little girl, My niece, Haley.

There’s something about when I hold her. I never knew what would happen to me when I became an uncle. I didn’t know how it was going to affect me. Since December 13th life has been a little different with her around. I don’t get to see her near as often as I would like, but I think about her daily.

Several things have come together since I rolled out of bed that cold December morning at 3am. My passion for children has only gotten stronger. I don’t know why. Again, there’s just something about when I hold her.

Since the summer of 2003, I’ve had this desire to go to Kenya. The past several years I’ve written it off as just a desire, a dream. Shortly after this desire came upon me that summer I picked up a compassion child, Kelvin Mukundi.

I started sponsoring Kelvin when he was three years old. Now at six, I have the pleasure of watching him begin to grow. He lives in a little town just outside of Nairobi. I can’t wait to visit him.

I’ve already been in contact with several organizations coordinating my visit. The details are coming together.

So, what does Haley have to do with me going?

I guess she inspired me to finally go. I need to see these children, this place, the effect of aids on a society, child soldiers, refugees, and the poverty with my own eyes.

I don’t know what this will lead to or if it makes any sense at all. I know I just need to go, so, I’m going.

Don’t underestimate how a child can affect you, change you; it’s something I experience nearly each day. Haley is not even 3 months old, yet looking into her eyes, seeing her smile, as much as I love just her, I want that love to extend, really to all.

The countdown begins…

Monday, February 19, 2007

My Current Influences (February Edition)

I’ve been inspired by my beloved friend Derry to do my own little, what I’m Reading/Watching/Listening to section of the blog. We’re going to shoot for a monthly edition, but with me you never know.

What I’m Reading: To Own A Dragon by Donald Miller

Donald Miller does it again!! I enjoy Don’s writing because of his sincerity and gut level honesty about life. In this particular book, Don dives into the issue of not growing up with a father. Luckily I had an amazing loving father in my life. Some are not that fortunate, however, no matter how “good” or “bad” our father’s were growing up, we have this deep longing for God in our lives, our true father, and down the road our view of God can be thwarted by our earthly fathers. I recommend you read this book. It’s worth your time.

What I’m Watching: The Departed

This was just a good movie. I don’t suggest you watch it on a date or on a girls night, but fellas, if you can get passed the language, it’s a highly recommended watch. Matt Damen, Jack Nicholas, and Leonardo DiCaprio.

What I’m Listening To: Dave Matthews Band: Crash

This album debuted in April 1996. That’s nearly ten years ago, yet its still one of my favorites. I’m specifically listening to a song called Cry Freedom. Listen to the lyrics. I’m not great at interpreting lyrics, poems, etc…I guess I’m on another Dave Matthews kick, it usually happens once year and with the rumors of Dave playing at Wrigley Field this summer, (1 mile from my house) I’m loving it.

Youth Ministry At It's Finest

Last night was the first ever INTRSCT all nighter. Needless to say, it was humorous, it was youthful, it was ministry, ministry like I’ve been taught not to do.

The night started off with nearly fifty jr. high and high school students pouring into a church. This was seemingly normal for a youth event, then as we proceeded with the night it dawned upon me, we have no permission slips, no contact information for the students, in fact our leader, Dave, asked if I thought it would be a good idea to write down the kids names to know who was there…In my wisdom, I said yes of coarse.

Finally when the kids had all arrived and were running around rampantly, we had our planning meeting for the event. It was hard to concentrate as all the kids we running around but we had the night planned out after 15 minutes.

The night had all the elements of a normal youth event. Food, worship, message, games, sports, movies, racing throughout downtown Chicago in our cars to the soccer facility where we spent most of the night.

Surprisingly enough, it went smoothly. In all honesty it was the most intense and exciting overnighter I can recall participating in.

I can’t say there is a formula to youth ministry even though it seems each youth leader has their own philosophy as to “what works” and “what doesn’t.” I think the truth is we all make it up as we go trying to act like we know exactly what we’re doing.

This worked though, I don’t know how but it worked. Kids actually responded to the gospel, kids who’ve never attended church. It went against everything that I was taught in college about event planning. I guess we never talked about inner city ministry in college though. Either way, it doesn’t make sense. “If we fail to plan, we plan to fail.” Maybe, but ironically this worked, no plan…no real anything but Jesus, soccer balls, pizza, and a few guys dumb enough to think it could actually work…

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Let Them Die

I’ve known about the Invisible children video for some time and until recently, I haven’t cared to watch the video for several reasons. (Click invisible to the right to visit the website)

First, I hate it when I watch something that is completely disturbing, moving, inspiring, detestable, and touching, then, well you know how it is, you go to the kitchen or out to eat, grab some dinner, then carry on with your life as the faint memory of the turmoil and despair remains from what you’ve seen.

Second, I feel completely helpless. A helplessness that is similar to the feelings I frequently have in Austin. Yet, that helplessness is often times quickly forgotten when I pick up one of those boys and instantly become the only father figure they have, or possibly have ever had. What responsibility!!

Be offended as I ask this, but do we really give shit about people? I mean seriously, we have choices. We choose to go to work, we choose what to eat, and we choose what to invest our time and money in. Here we are today…look around, utter despair and desperation for something beyond what we experience day to day.

I find myself remaining extremely uncomfortable. Not in a sense of obligation, yet maybe at times, but more in a sense of a God given passion to see the underserved and forgotten about remember and restored. Bono has made the statement that he doesn’t want to go to Africa and spend time trying to prevent aids, but no one else is doing it.

Please take the time and the money to watch this video and to constantly think about what we can really do to change lives near us or far from us. At the very least you’ll help out some people who care about what’s going on elsewhere.

A woman I highly admire said this statement that I think about daily. I’ll leave it with you. Do something, anything, just never let you yourself be…except just being in the presence of God.

“One of the greatest tragedies in the Church today isn’t that rich Christian don’t care about the poor, it’s that they don’t know the poor”

~ Mother Teresa

I'm going to Africa within the next year or so...mark my words...I need to see with my own eyes

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

My World

Take a look and see...

The Love We Lie About

Where have I been? Right here…Just took a little time off. This past month I’ve been traveling around from Oklahoma City to Fort Wayne recruiting for INTRSCT, visiting friends, and simply living life.

I recently had the opportunity to speak at Nappanee Missionary Church. I want to give you a recap of what I talked about that night. It is a message that I need to hear more and more as I go through my day.

Throughout my life I’ve had a constant struggle: Who is this Jesus, and what do I do with Him? We say we have this “personal relationship” and maybe we do, but do we act like Jesus? Do we talk like Jesus? Do we walk like Jesus? Do we love like Jesus?

We’re going to walk through two priorities that should infiltrate our lives.

Priority #1: Discovering God’s Heart and Desires

It’s interesting to see how focused we are on finding God’s will for our lives, Books, T.V. shows, scriptures, sermons…you name it. God’s will for MY life…if I can just find it, then I’ll be able to serve God and then, He will be pleased.


I guess since most of our lives are consumed with our needs and desires, it would make sense that our relationships with God be so focused on us. Amazing life is about the opposite, everyone else.

I thoroughly enjoyed the book I Am Not But I Know I AM by Louie Giglio. He paints such a clear picture of God’s story and our part in it. It’s all His, none of it is ours, no money, no job, no nothing, but again, this is far from reality in most our lives.

It took me several major life experiences, possibly failures, to discover that I had it extremely wrong. It’s not about God’s will for my life, it’s about God’s story and me fitting into it. Two distinctively different approaches to how we view our lives, or tension points if you will.

There are two tensions points we find in our Christian lives. The first, taking Jesus with us as we proceed on with our lives. It is here where Jesus isn’t Lord of our life, just in it to an extent.

The second, letting Jesus take us. When Jesus takes us, we dive into the unknown, the dangerous, the unexplored. It is here we experience the fullness of God, the true rich beauty in being a Christ Follower.

Priority #2: Love God and Love People

You’ve heard it before, Matthew22: 34-40. Love God…Love People…it’s that simple, yet it seems to me we focus on the loving God, but never truly embrace loving others. We rarely experience, “and the second is like it, love your neighbor as yourself.”

We can’t love God without loving people and we can’t love people without loving God.
Do we get it? Do I get it?

And where does love end?

I see a very limited love in our lives as followers of Jesus. The only problem is if we’re following Jesus our love can’t end…shouldn’t end. It didn’t end for Jesus, it extended to the very fullness of love for Jesus. It extended to all…not a select few.

It seems impossible to live out. I struggle with it everyday and I’m glad. If we stop living in tension with who we are and who we’re becoming…I think it’s a scary place to be.

None of us have it correct, but if we stop seeking the depth of grace, truth, and love, we’re pretty stagnate.

So where does love end?

Does it end with the homosexuals…

Does it end with terrorist…

Does it end with that person you despise…

Does it end with the addict that can’t seem to ever get it right…

Does it end with those that don’t look like us, talk like us, believe like us…

Where does it end?? I’m asking you.

Oh yeah Valentines Day…Almost forgot…Love…what does it truly look like??

Love God…Love People

All the law and the prophets summed up for you right there.