Thursday, February 15, 2007

Let Them Die

I’ve known about the Invisible children video for some time and until recently, I haven’t cared to watch the video for several reasons. (Click invisible to the right to visit the website)

First, I hate it when I watch something that is completely disturbing, moving, inspiring, detestable, and touching, then, well you know how it is, you go to the kitchen or out to eat, grab some dinner, then carry on with your life as the faint memory of the turmoil and despair remains from what you’ve seen.

Second, I feel completely helpless. A helplessness that is similar to the feelings I frequently have in Austin. Yet, that helplessness is often times quickly forgotten when I pick up one of those boys and instantly become the only father figure they have, or possibly have ever had. What responsibility!!

Be offended as I ask this, but do we really give shit about people? I mean seriously, we have choices. We choose to go to work, we choose what to eat, and we choose what to invest our time and money in. Here we are today…look around, utter despair and desperation for something beyond what we experience day to day.

I find myself remaining extremely uncomfortable. Not in a sense of obligation, yet maybe at times, but more in a sense of a God given passion to see the underserved and forgotten about remember and restored. Bono has made the statement that he doesn’t want to go to Africa and spend time trying to prevent aids, but no one else is doing it.

Please take the time and the money to watch this video and to constantly think about what we can really do to change lives near us or far from us. At the very least you’ll help out some people who care about what’s going on elsewhere.

A woman I highly admire said this statement that I think about daily. I’ll leave it with you. Do something, anything, just never let you yourself be…except just being in the presence of God.

“One of the greatest tragedies in the Church today isn’t that rich Christian don’t care about the poor, it’s that they don’t know the poor”

~ Mother Teresa

I'm going to Africa within the next year or so...mark my words...I need to see with my own eyes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

save a spot for me...i'm coming with.