Monday, December 11, 2006

Are You Ready For Some Futbol?

Finally sitting down to write I feel dazed and confused about life these past several weeks. I’ve been unable to write, and finding myself going through the motions a little. Luckily, I’m safe from falling into complacency. Why? I’ve discovered something really important this week. It’s not anything that I’ve never been taught; yet I haven’t truly embraced its importance until now. What is it?

Who we surround ourselves with determines more about who we are than what we’d like to think.

I will not, and refuse, to find myself in complacent living. Chasing after the status quo is dangerous and many of us do it. I’m sick of the status quo. I will write more on this at another time. The point of this entry is to update many of you on what is currently happening in Chi-Town.

First let me start from the beginning. The organization I work for is called INTRSCT. Its existence is an amazing God story. Ask me about it sometime.

INTRSCT has two sites in Chicago. The first site is located on the northside of town, predominately along Lawrence Street.

It’s amazing at how diverse the city is and sad at how segregated it remains. The north site is predominantly Hispanic, but also is strewn with Palestinians, Brazilians, and several Puerto Ricans. An after school program takes place there throughout the week and is ran by INTRSCT guys and gals. Since this site is more established, relationships are deeper with students allowing activities outside the after school program take place.

On the first and third Saturdays of the month we have 10/10. This is basically a youth service, but at the same time nothing like it. We talk about Jesus of coarse, but many of these kids have never gone to church.

On the second and fourth Fridays of the month we have soccer. Many of the kids, usually around twenty, come to participate in this event. We meet at the church around 10:30 pm, have a short Bible study, load up in a van and several cars, then travel to INTRSCT’s largest supporter, Chi-Town Futbol. We then play soccer till nearly 3am, its awesome!!

Our second site is located on the Westside of Chicago in the Austin area. This is where I work. I love it and my heart is drawn closer to those kids and their lives each day I’m with them.

Lastly, INTRSCT is involved with Breaking Bread, a ministry of LaSalle Church. We are unofficially official leaders in this homeless ministry and partake most every Monday evening.

There is much more to come, my journey is only getting started, so please stay tuned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A mirror reflects and mans face, but what he is reallhy like can be seen by the friends he chooses.